Monday, March 29, 2010

Deadline Has Passed for Community Nomination but You Can Still Show Your Support

The deadline to nominate Fort Monmouth as a potential community for Google's Experimental Fiber Network has passed, but you can still help by showing your support and sending the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Planning Authority (FMERPA) an email, letter, fax, or by calling using the information provided here. Let them know that you think it would be a great idea to have Google's fiber network as a part of the economic redevelopment plan for the Fort Monmouth area. Explain how retaining high tech jobs and bringing advanced industry back to the area once Fort Monmouth leaves is vital to the economic stability of Monmouth County and the State of New Jersey as a whole. Don't forget to mention the 1 gigabit per second Internet connection speeds, and how when you have a company like Google move into an area, it will have other high tech and innovative companies gravitate towards that area and shoot up in droves.

Most importantly, spread the word. Let your friends, family, and coworkers know how important it will be especially if they live in the area. The time to nominate a community may be up according to Google's submission form, but in reality, now is actually the time when deals get done. When government officials have the paper work from Google in their hands that could have a significant impact on the lives of people in the area for years to come, you should show them that you support what they are doing and how much it would mean to the surrounding communities and the people that live and work there.

Fort Monmouth is really the ideal place for Google to come because it was already a place where technological innovation in communications happened on a daily basis. It still is and will be until the fort closes. It should continue to be long after Fort Monmouth is gone. The grounds and buildings are readily available and suited to support high tech companies and their aspirations such as Google's Experimental Fiber Network (especially Google's Fiber Network almost to the point of serendipity). Tens of millions of dollars have been invested in them over decades to make them that way. It would really be a waste if no innovative high tech companies like Google were able to take advantage of the preexisting infrastructure. Why tear that all down when there is an opportunity to bring jobs and innovative industry back to the area?

So let the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Planning Authority (FMERPA) know and let everybody else you know who lives and/or works in the area know too so that something can maybe actually happen!

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